Thursday, October 7, 2010


Any tutorial similar is highly coincidental
This tutorial was written for those who have a basic knowledge of psp
This tuttorial was written psp x2
I'm using the great artwork of Elias Chatzoudis which you can get HERE

Supplies Needed
Tube of choice with a close up
Template # 360 by missyminx over at divine intentionz you can get the template HERE

Scrap kit - SWA_Misfits_Tagger by Missy at Scraps With Attitude which you can buy HERE

Scrap Kit Supplies
Lets Get Started
Open template # 360 and delete the top top layer which is missyminxs info and the freakish wordart
click on circle left and paste your close up tube so and keep duplicating and placing until it covers all the showing spaces
Choose the circle left Selections - Select all - Float - defloat - invert and hit delete on your keyboard on the tube layers which will delete the excess tube layers
Merge the tube layers together and redo the step for circle right
Change the blend mode for both the tube layers to soft light
Click on rectangle center copy and paste Misfit_Paper19 on to your tag
Click on Click on rectangle center Selections - Select all - Float - defloat - invert and hit delete on your keyboard on the paper
Copy and paste your close up and duplicate it until it covers the visible parts
See mine for for help

Merge the tubes together and change the blend mode to dodge
Resize copy and paste Misfit_zipperlips1 and arrange to your liking see mine for help
Copy and paste your tube on your tag and leave it centered
Selections - select all - float - defloat - modify - expand 2 and flood fill with white on a new raster
Copy and paste Misfit_LightEffects and leave it centered
Open up your Misfit_wordart2 and add a new raster and flood fill with a dark color from your tube
use your magic wand tool and select in all the misfit letters
selections - modify - expand by 4 - invert - delete the excess color and Adjust - add or remove noise - add noise - with these settings - random checked with the noise set to 50 and monochrome checked
Copy merged and paste on your tag and leave it centered
Resize to 250 x 250 and copy and paste Misfit_Teddy and move it to the bottom just to the left of your tube
Add the correct copyright and your name

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