Wednesday, January 19, 2011

All for Love - New tut

This tutorial was written by me
Any tutorial similar is highly coincidental
This tutorial was written for those who have a basic knowledge of psp
This tuttorial was written psp x2

Supplies Needed
Tube of choice(with closeup)
Scrap kit - All For Love by Jill which you can buy HERE 

Scrap Kit Supplies

Lets Get Started
Open new 600 x 250 transparent image - Paste paper02 - paste paper01 change the blend mode to luminance(L) and lower the opacity to 63 - Arrange your closeup tube around your image so there's no empty spaces - Change the blend mode to overlay 

Paste flowers on your tag and leave centered - Paste sparkles on your tag and leave centered - Paste your tube on your tag 

Paste label on your tag - rotate it so its almost straight but still has a bit of a curve - and move down to the bottom - Paste hearts 2 on your tag and move the left side - duplicate - image - mirror 

Add a new raster - selections - select all - modify - select selection borders - settings are inside and border at 5 - flood fill with a gradient - Add a new raster - selections - select all - modify - select selection borders - settings are inside and border at 7 - flood fill with white

Add your name and copyright and your done

Open a new 150 x 150 image - Paste paper02 - paste paper01 change the blend mode to luminance(L) and lower the opacity to 63 - Paste the closeup tube on your tag and change the blend mode to overlay 

Paste flower on your tag - Paste hearts2 on your tag - Paste your tube and move to the right 

Add a new raster - selections - select all - modify - select selection borders - inside with the border at 2 - flood fill with the same gradient as before - redo that step with the border at 3 and flood fill with white

Add your name and copyright and your done - Thanks for trying my tut

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